
Traffic Engineering

The traffic engineering services available include preparing as well as reviewing a variety of traffic reports and designs. Our experience includes the preparation of traffic planning and corridor studies, traffic impact analysis reports and safety studies as well as the design of traffic signal systems.

“We have always enjoyed the relationship with Ehrhart Griffin. They are common-sensed about engineering and fun to work with.” Perry Poyner, Alley Poyner Architecture, Omaha, NE

Planning studies are typically performed to determine the long range needs of a transportation system. Long range needs assessment can include the possible construction of a bypass route or interchange as well as analysis of the transportation system as a whole to determine where existing and future deficiencies may lie. Typically a planning study involves presentation of the findings to the city council and a public information meeting or public hearing to present the project to the community.

Corridor studies can include a number of these categories or can be justified based on congestion of a specific corridor alone. Often a corridor study will be stimulated by a planning study which identifies a specific corridor for future growth or development.

Corridor studies may result from a safety study which identifies an existing or potential future problem along a corridor which may warrant further study and planning.

The consultant is typically hired by the city to determine the impacts of a proposed development to the surrounding roadway network. The cost of this service is often passed along to the developer if the study is a direct result of a proposed development. A traffic impact study is typically performed when a development or redevelopment is proposed for a given area of land. The traffic impact study examines the traffic generated by the proposed development on the surrounding roadway network. Typically included within the report are analysis of existing roadway conditions, anticipated trip generation for opening day, distribution and assignments of these trips and the recommended improvements to the roadway network. The final product is typically a report providing a tool for the city to use as a base for future design considerations as well as to determine the source of funding to construct the improvements.

A traffic safety study typically is performed when there is a history of safety issues at a particular location or corridor. Safety issues include high accident locations, speed control considerations, site distance restrictions as well as geometric deficiencies in the roadway. Another safety related issue is pedestrian crossing issues near a school, park or other high pedestrian area. Municipalities will often authorize a safety study as a result of public comments or complaints regarding one of the above conditions.

Traffic signals are often recommended after completing one of the above studies. The design of the traffic signals can be done on request. Design of traffic signals is guided by established guidelines as outlined in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Manual of Traffic Signal Design, Second Edition, as well as local jurisdictional guidelines.

Along with the services within the traffic-engineering field, this department has qualified personnel within the environmental documentation field which is tied closely to improvements resulting from corridor and planning studies. This correlation provides for a smooth transition from the planning stage, through the environmental documentation stage and into the final design stages of a roadway improvement project.


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